Charaka Samhita describe Shilajit as a cure for all diseases as well as a Rasayana (rejuvenator) that promises to increase longevity, rejuvenation and increase in physical strength. PH’s Shilajit or Himalayan Shilajit in any form is rich in fulvic acid which improves gut health and immune function of the body. It also boosts digestion and nutrient absorption capacity. Shilajit in Ayurveda is used as a cure for multiple diseases. Being Blackish in color with no mixing or adultration. Shilajit is formed of rock humus, rock minerals an organic substances that have been compressed by layers of rock along with marine substances. Studies have found that Himalayan Shilajit contains a chemical compound which stimulate spermatogenesis which increase testosterone level. As PH’s Himalayan Shilajit is high in fulvic acid, it facilitates the transfer of essential minerals into cells preventing its decay and end. Shilajit also aids in metabolism leading to weight loss.
PH’s Himalayan Shilajit is a thick paste oozing from the rock of Himalayan Mountains. Shilajit Contains more than 85 minerals in ionic form and Fulvic acid, humic acid, hippuric acid and benzopyrones. Humic acid helps fulvic acid in its action and combining with benzopyrones, it exhibits antioxidant effects. Shilajit significantly reduces the development of degenerative ailments like cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, Joint paint, Heart diseases and dementia.
Shilajit in Various Languages
In Sanskrit, it is called shilajatu, shilaras, adrija and girija, all meaning ‘derived from rock’. In Arabic arakul-dzhibol means ‘sweat of mountain’ whereas Tibetan or Mongolian brag-shun or brag-zhun means ‘juice of rock’ and Burmese kao-tui or chao-tui implies ‘blood of the mountains’. Shilajit in Tamil language implies that it is the ‘essence from the mountain’. The second-most common name being mumie, mumiyo or mummiyo means ‘mountain balsam’ or ‘mountain tears’. In Greek, it is called as mumijo which means ‘saving body’ or ‘protecting organism.
PH’s lauha shilajit is commonly found in Himalayan ranges and is supposed to be most effective according to the therapeutic point of view.
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